Tax-deductible Donations
Tax-deductible Donations
Information about tax-deduction, charitable giving funds, and matching donations
Tax-deductible Donations
Information about tax-deduction, charitable giving funds, and matching donations
Employer matching donations
You can search here if your employer will match your contribution to Calyx Institute.
Your donations are tax-deductible
The Calyx Institute is a public charity, which is exempt from taxation by the IRS under §501(c)(3) and as such, contributions will be tax deductible to the donor to the extent provided by law.
Our IRS determination letter can be found at
Understanding the tax-deductible portion
Every time you sign up, renew, or order a replacement device, there is a portion of the payment that is tax-deductible and a portion that is not. The receipt will list the amount that is tax-deductible.
Why is this the case? Because membership with Calyx Institute includes very significant benefits directly to the member, and we are required to subject the fair market value of this benefit from the total donation amount to determine the portion that is tax-deductible.
A pure donation with no member premiums is always 100% deductible, subject to the standard limits on how much deduction you can claim.
How do I claim the deduction?
When you file your taxes, you need two pieces of information to claim the deduction on US federal income taxes:
- The total amount of your contribution that qualifies for a deduction. This is found on the receipt for your contribution.
- Our tax ID number, which is 27-2800937.